ESS offers a BI Solution based on a SSAS Cube using the 3CX phone data. One of the challenges in the cube implementation is the display of time span values in SSAS. The available “Format_string” options are limited and do not allow extensions. The call data from the 3CX phone system is recorded in seconds. Some of the measures, such a “Ringing Duration” and “Talking Duration”, require custom formatting when displayed on the client. The preferred format is the Time Span: “Days.Hours:Minutes:Seconds” or “DD.HH:MM:SS”. This makes it very easy for the end user to comprehend the duration times compared to seeing a really big number, representing seconds (i.e. 4.11:03:13 vs. 9,834,132 sec).
The BI Portal offers custom value formatting, which makes support for Time Spans easy. Here is a snapshot of the 3CX cube data, displaying Talking Durations as well as common Time Calculations, automatically done in the cube: