* Initial License includes first year of consultation, installation, configuration, initial training, support, and updates.
* Yearly Renewal includes 1 year of updates, bug fixes, patches and any new releases.
* Maintenance and Support are directly related to the product. Additional consulting, troubleshooting, development and hosting services are available.
* During Analysis Server registration in the client you can choose 60 days trial license or instantly purchase a license.
* Native support for x86, x64 and Itanium based servers in stand alone or failover clustering configurations.
* Supports multiple SSAS instances on the same physical server in stand alone or failover clustering configurations.
* Cluster deployments require separate license for each cluster node. Management and reporting is per SSAS instance.
* Centralized Reporting Database for all monitored SSAS instances. Cross server reporting.
* Initial License includes first year of consultation, installation, configuration, initial training, support, and updates.
* Yearly Renewal includes 1 year of updates, bug fixes, patches and any new releases.
* Initial training on how to use the product, get you started on report creation, sharing, and depending on your storage engine on report delivery and sharing.
* Maintenance and Support are directly related to the product. Additional consulting, troubleshooting, development and hosting services are available.
* 60 days trial license can be requested through the BI Companion interface.
* Native support for x86, x64 and Itanium based servers in stand alone or failover clustering configurations.
* Supports stand alone or web farm IIS configurations.